Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blue Cloud Abbey

      After a long night of driving, our Blue Subaru wagon pulled into the scenic Whetstone Valley and into the parking lot of Blue Cloud Abbey in northeastern SD with 10 minutes to spare.  The plan was to make the 10 A.M. Mass and we were there at 9:50...exhausted, but there!  Our timing was impeccable for another reason as well.  It turned out it was the anniversary of Blue Cloud Abbey, and so we got a special coffee and dessert treat after Mass as well!
      Most of the rest of the day was spent enjoying the hospitality of the monks and the grounds.  Two small lakes dotted the property with cute little hermitages inviting our exploration.  Upon our return to the abbey, we would meet the first of many interesting people!  At lunch, we met the soon to be famous Roger Kucera.  This self-described "scoundrel" and "adventurer" has lived quite the life...with many travels and some regrets.  His tale has sparked the interest of the BBC who has started a documentary entitled..."The partial redemption of Roger Kucera."  Life hasn't beaten down old Roger, however.  Still with a spark in his eye and a quick gait in his step, he follows the guidance and prayers of these monks in making amends and restitutions for the past life he lived.  It was super encouraging to hear his know we're all trying to get to heaven and to do the best we can with what we have left!  Roger even invited us to visit his home out in Spearfish, but alas our plans didn't include a visit we had to pass on his offer. 
      Speaking of the monks, these Benedictine monks follow the rule of St. Benedict and true to form...they took time out of their busy schedule to show us around and make us feel a part of their family.  We took part in their prayers and their meals and we were just so encouraged by their faith and their witness.   These days, it seems like just about anyone calls themselves Christians for just about any reason.  But rare is it to see the gospel lived out like these monks do day in and day out.  Powerful is their witness for celibacy and for the Church!  While their numbers are low and the monks are aging, it was refreshing to see a young recent high school grad, from Madison, WI no less,  partaking in a year apprenticeship with the monks.  May God raise up more of these men to continue the good work and may there be a new springtime for vocations!  Enjoy the pics!

Touchdown Jesus

Roger Kucera, his dog, and another visitor

Abbey grounds

Meal with the monks

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